Home Center 2


Brand: Fibaro

Description: Gateway/controller

Category: Automation

HSN Code:  85176290

GST Rate {90d8e51f7ca1676a8990987842d736e1ffb092e84a48ba56d32458e0ebbc9f7e}: 18


It is very user friendly. Each Home Center 2 has its own holding system backup, and recovery disc, unique to each gateway. To prevent unauthorized access it closes each system totally. If there is any system failure there is simple and quick system healing, which is its other advantage.

6Ghz Processor, Intel Atom 1,
Home Center 2 is faster than other Z-Wave gateways because of its effectiveness.

1GB RAM, 2GB SLC Hard Drive
Quick processor + Large memory = Fast contact linking FIBARO System devices. What makes Home Center 2 so efficient is its hardware architecture that makes Z-Wave based home mechanization system work much faster than ever


  • The fastest device of the type in the world and exceptionally capable hardware architecture
  • Extremely low power utilization
  • Simple and fast configuration
  • Access with remote via mobile phone or web page
  • User-friendly, easy interface
  • Effortless and fast configuration
  • Geolocalization – tracking Your family members
  • Notification via SMS
  • Manageable users’ rights
  • Associations with various devices
  • Conditioning scenes based on weather or other, user-defined variables
  • Sophisticated mending system
  • The attached pen drive is used to save system backup, not visible from the outside, and concealed in the covering.



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