Having the automated doors help both the employees and the visitors of the museum an unnecessary burden of opening and closing of the doors and, locking of the doors before closing.

Museums are mostly non-profit institutions in service of society and it’s development by exhibiting the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.
So automation of these institutions help them serve better for the society by being efficient and requiring less funding for the maintenance and operation of this institutions.
Having the automated doors help both the employees and the visitors of the museum an unnecessary burden of opening and closing of the doors and, locking of the doors before closing.
Automated lighting systems for the corridor’s and the other spaces of the by museums by using the sensors to remotely on & off the lights for better power management. This systems helps in the management in remotely managing the lights of the exteriors and parking spaces.
Automated locks for the restricted areas which helps to manage the entry of the unauthorized personal’s and helps to maintain a better security measures. Which also help to remotely lock and unlock the necessary doors.
Smart glass systems to avoid some places which are under maintenance and to close some portions which are restricted for viewing, these also helps in avoiding any unnecessary entry in to those places.