Good food and drinks are not enough to lure customers to step in. Lighting and aura are equally influential to attract them. Upgrade it to the best so that you serve best memories with best eats.
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Music is the the spirit of Pubs and restaurants. Get World’s best sound systems installed, which gives pubs a whole new zing and magnet the people to jump in.

Automation in Pubs/Restaurants
2016 was a table-turning phase for a country like India which is yet developing. The concept of “Digital India” was getting the widespread attention it deserved. Citizens now had the purchasing power for smart phones due to various new entrants in the competitive electronic device market. What took the world by storm is when Japan started to make the best use of the technological knowledge in creating AI’s for recreational areas like hotels and resorts, pubs and restaurants. Videos of the “Robot Servers” in a restaurant in the country started to go viral and inspired a lot of countries to bring such innovative technologies in the services provided by various industries.
Automation, or Labor-saving technology is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance which is comparatively a new concept in the Indian market. After an intense research on how automation can contribute to areas such as hotels, resorts, pubs and restaurants, a few use-cases can be kept in mind:

Table ordering
While a designated waiter hired for a particular seems fancy, it is time consuming. Table ordering kiosks, usually on tablets can help speed up the process of taking orders and its accuracy.

Instead of waiting to call a waiter to take back the food in order to pack it up, an app or program to pick up the food and pack it up can be a newer way of introducing automation in restaurants.

This is relevant mostly in self servicing eateries. Beepers given to each table after placing an order can save up a lot of time and energy taken by an individual to call out the order number which can sometimes disrupt the ambience of the area.

Self checkout
Often found on the table ordering kiosks, customers get the option to check out when they are ready. This can help speed up the service and take some stress off of the servers.

Delivery drones
Making its commercial entry with cameras, drones are now also being introduced in the restaurant industry due to its faster delivery speed, saving space, adapting to restaurant’s unique layout, safe and efficient and cheaper in the long run than labour costs.

Bionic bartenders
The robotic bartenders are not only designed to make the work faster and efficient, but also adding the “WOW” factor to the restaurant or pub.